Renter-Friendly Reverse Osmosis Water Filter

I live in a small apartment in Los Angeles... so that means I have very little space on my counters, and I also have super dirty city water.

I also REALLY care about sustainability and my health. I dislike buying plastic water bottles because many reasons, mostly because of how long it takes them to break down and they end up in our oceans... as well as the nasty plastic taste from the water seeping in the toxic plastic bottle.

I've tried ZeroWater and Brita, and honestly I was just so sick of both not working for very long. Plus the water never fully tasted clean. I just REALLY love the taste of fresh water that comes from reverse osmosis systems... but it's unrealistic for me to have a system when I'm renting AND don't have much room.

So when I came across this Reverse Osmosis water filter system that is renter-friendly, small enough to fit on my counter, and aesthetically pleasing... I could not pass that up. I had to at least try it out!

So here is me unboxing it & explaining how it works. Step by step. Needless to say, I AM IN LOVE. I also purchased some glass water bottles to fill and keep in my fridge - so I'll never have to buy plastic bottles again! YAY! I am in love with everything about this system. It is literally just what I've been missing in life! You can find the Reverse Osmosis system I have here.


Watch the unboxing & review video below!


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